Tabletop Journeys Podcast is behind this new Heroic Subclasses of the Multiverse brings you everything you are going to need to make your next role LEGENDARY.
With that said If you do not know who the Tabletop Journeys Podcast is, I got you covered. They are a group of fantastic individuals that bring you TTRPG Discussions on Fridays, and Actual Play Content on Tuesdays. You can find all of their content on the main website if you like to check them out. I have been following them for a good while now.
Now with this all done, and said they do bring to the table a wealth of knowledge of the TTRPG market which goes behind backing them on their first created content for Kickstarter.

“Inside you will find twelve subclasses written for the world's most popular roleplaying game and designed to take your game to the next level. Dabble in the dark magicks of the Shadow Dwellers. Ride to high adventure in the Lands of the Boiling Seas. Journey far from civilization with the Outlanders. Dive into the seedy underbelly of political intrigue with The Metropolitans.” From Kickstarter
This Heroic Subclasses of the Multiverse brings you over 50 pages of game material with subclasses themselves to enhance your own campaigns. You have a select few detailed subclasses that will be at your disposal.
Subclasses -

Lands of the Boiling Sea - Absolutely in love with this set, which is based off of a homebrew world of Glen Myers, one of the show hosts! To me this screams Pirates of the Dark Water, a cartoon from my childhood or like Legends of Sinbad. This has to be my favorite set of subclasses that I am looking forward to.

Shadow Dwellers - Are from the darkest corners of the Multiverse comes the strangest magic! I believe this is my second favorite set, not just because they are somewhat traditional classes that I usually would play. But they give me like Underworld vibes with the modern look tones.

Metropolitan - They also have the perfect for your urban campaign, these classes thrive in cities and political spheres. I like this one as well giving a unique twist on human environments you would have within a campaign. I am going to just say it looks like the John Wick DND universe. That’s all!!!

The Outlanders - are based on a individual’s who live in a fringe of a civilized world. Each one gives me like Mad Max DND vibes on a few levels.
With this said below is listed what subclasses that are still being offered through Kickstarter, you can find additional details via Kickstarter.

With that being said the art is being done by Morgan Winter.
"Morgan Winter, the AMAZING artist that is working with us on this project, turned around our initial portraits amazingly fast, and once we hit our funding goal, started working on the final products. Well, they have started to roll in and let me tell you they are AWESOME! As a teaser, here is the final version of the Wizard: Windfinder subclass from the Lands of the Boiling Seas set” - Kickstarter
Now with this there are some stretch goals that if hit they will add some additional content to the book itself. Now this is not a hardcover book in itself, but a simple pdf digital award. Basic tier will receive all Twelve Heroic Subclasses PDF, Death Saves Collaborative Worldbuilding Tables PDF, and all Stretch Goals.

As you can tell this is not a super professional over the top Kickstarter like we see a lot of days, but this is a very passionate Kickstarter project in which they have already reached the aimed goal. With this said don’t judge a book by its cover alone, you never know what amazing content you can find within its pages. I am personally super excited to see what is to come with this project, and also equally excited to see what they will create in the future. If you are interested in this project check out the Kickstarter here.