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Fantasy Board game
Official Rule Book

Last updated: 1/19/2023

Table of Contents

I. Introductions

   A. Legions - Fantasy Board Game

II. Game Features:

    A. Game Board

    B. Card Types

  1. General

  2. Officer

  3. Subclass

  4. Action

    1. Combat

    2. Tech

    3. Support

    4. Rally

    5. Ultimate

    C. Units

    D. Energy

    E. Card Speed

III. Gameplay

    A. Set Up

    B. How to Play

    C. Game Over

    D. Game Modes

IV. Glossary (Coming soon)

Legions Logo Overseer.jpg

Legions - Fantasy Board Game is a unique turn-based strategy war game. It has the aspects of a trading card game mixed with a tabletop. You will use your Legion to defeat your opponent(s) on a battlefield. You will use your Legion led by your General, who will have unique buffs and abilities, leading your units to victory.

I. Introductions:

Celestia Rally Alpha-Core.jpg

I. Game Features

The board is arranged in a 17x17 grid. On one side of the board is the 2v2 format. It is indicated by having 2 bases on the board. The bases are formatted as a 3x5 grid area. For 2+ players, the other side of the board will have 4 bases, which are formatted as a 3x5 grid. Your General and Officer cards will be set up off the board, behind your base. Your Deck and Discard pile will also sit just off of the board, to the right side of your base.

A. Game Board

2 Player Map

Dungeon 2 Player map.jpg

4 Player Map

Dungeon 4 Player map.jpg

Commander Playmat

Legion Playmat.jpg
Angelica the Divine Alpha-Core.jpg

B. Card Types

Each Legion is led by one General. Each deck will have a preset General with unique effects and buffs for their units. Each General will have an ability that will cost its Energy value in order to activate, and they will have an Ultimate, which will cost double its Energy cost. A General's bloodline represents the units you control on the battlefield. Their HP represents the HP of your base, and the general's strength, tech, move or range will be boosted for your units & officers of the same bloodline.

1. General

Reiza Alpha-Core.jpg

Each General can have three Officers to command. Each deck will have three preset Officers, one of which will be unique to the General. Officers come in Tiers, each one represented by their Energy cost - Tier 1-E:1, Tier 2-E:3, and Tier 3-E:5. You can mix, and match Officers if you would like excluding the ones who have “Loyalty”. Officers may be played on that Battlefield for their energy cost, you will use the same energy to also activate the officers ability.

2. Officer

Reiza Alpha-Core.jpg
Hunter Alpha-Core.jpg

Each game will contain two of every subclass card. You may choose up to three Subclass cards to put inside your Deck. Subclass cards promote your units of the appropriate class. Promotion cards are set to the left of your General. You may only change a Class to one type of Subclass at a time, and the Subclass stacks on the original class cards stats. These cards can only be activated during the action phase.

3. Subclass

Hunter Alpha-Core.jpg
Human Rally Alpha-Core.jpg

4. Action

Cards that can be played instantly, unless otherwise stated. 

Combat/Tech can only be activated during the Battle Phase, 

Support/Rally can only be activated during the Action Phase, 

and Ultimates can be activated during any phase of the game.

Human Rally Alpha-Core.jpg
Call of the Gods Alpha-Core.jpg

A card that affects the Combat value of a Unit or Officer.

a. Combat

Call of the Gods Alpha-Core.jpg
Infernal Sights Alpha-Core.jpg

A card that affects the Tech value of a Unit or Officer.

b. Tech

Infernal Sights Alpha-Core.jpg
Celestial Fury Alpha-Core.jpg

A card that effects any card, Unit, or the Battlefield.

c. Support

Celestial Fury Alpha-Core.jpg
Elven Rally Alpha-Core.jpg

A card that adds units to a base on the battlefield.

(Limit: 4 per deck)

d. Rally

Elven Rally Alpha-Core.jpg
Kitsune No Kiba  Alpha-Core.jpg

A card that effects any card, Unit, or the Battlefield.

(Limit: 1 per deck)

e. Ultimate

Kitsune No Kiba  Alpha-Core.jpg
Elven Smite Alpha-Core.jpg

There are three classes of units; Warrior class, Ranger class, and Mage class. Each class has two potential Subclasses that may be promoted. A Warrior is classified as a Unit with a base stats of HP:2, C:2, T:0, MV:1, and RG:1. A Ranger is classified as a Unit with a base stats of HP:1, C:1, T:0, MV:2, and RG:2. A Mage is classified as a Unit with a base stats of HP:1, C:0, T:2, MV:1, and RG:1.

C. Units

In order to activate cards, you will have to spend Energy. You start off at the beginning of your first turn with one. You then regain your previous Energy and add another Energy after each of your next turns, with a maximum of 15 Energy.

D. Energy

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Speed - All cards or abilities have a speed of zero, excluding a select few cards. Cards or abilities with a higher speed will activate first, with the responding card/cards or ability/abilities with a lower speed will activate second to resolve the chain.

E. Card Speed



Zero - All Cards or Abilities within the game.

One - Counter Cards or Counter Abilities 

Two - Ultimate Cards or Ultimate Abilities

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Place your General and three Officer cards behind your Base. You will place up to 10 tokens of desired Classes you want to play inside your Base. You may arrange these tokens however you like, as long as they are inside your Base. You will shuffle and set up your 30 card Deck to the right of your General and Officers. You then choose a game mode difficulty, and then game mode type.

Classic Mode - Each Player will draw five cards to start.

Legion Mode - Each Player will draw no cards at start of the game.

III. Gameplay
A.Set Up

B: How to Play

Draw phase: 

Draw 1 card, and on your 5th turn you will then draw 2 cards. If you have no cards in your Deck, then you may shuffle your Discard Pile, and turn that into your Deck. (Hand Limit: Unlimited)


Recovery Phase: 

Each Player’s first turn will gain one Energy during this phase. Every turn after, each player recovers previous Energy and gains an additional Energy to use. The additional Energy stops being added once a player has fifteen Energy available.


Action/Battle Phase: 

This is when you may move your units on the Battlefield and use Energy to activate cards from your hand. Officers that are defeated on the battlefield their cards will be sent into your discard pile, and then you will remove the officer piece from the board. Defeated Units will be removed off the board, and placed off the board. Support cards can only activate during the Action Phase. Combat, and Tech cards can only be activated during the Battle Phase. Action cards can be played anywhere on the board unless you are targeting a specific Unit, Officer or General. Used Action cards are placed into the discard pile. 

The game features two different modes allowing you to use the Combat/Tech cards in hand, which would be decided during set up.


Classic Mode - When you enter your battle phase only you are able to activate Combat or Tech cards from hand. Your opponent can only respond with cards that have a “Counter” ability. 


Legion Mode - When it's the player 's current turn during battle phase they are able to play combat or tech cards first, your opponent then is able to play combat or tech cards from hand allowing an interchange between both players. Unless the opponent has counter cards or abilities.


End Turn:

This ends your turn. Allowing the next player to start their turn.   

The game is over when a player is the only General left alive. You do damage to your opponent’s General by having Units or Officers on the board enter the opponent’s Base and are left uncontested equal to their combined attack. A General is destroyed when they are reduced to zero HP.

C: Game Over

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Select a Game Difficulty 

Classic Mode - is set up to get new players into the game or for those who just want to play casually. Consider it like an easy mode where you can take your time, and just enjoy playing the game.

Legion Mode - is set up for intermediate players who have played a variety of card or board games. This mode brings a unique challenge for the players making for very competitive, and strategic play.


Select a Game Type

Free for All - Choose your base knowing that anything goes when sending troops into the battlefield. The last base standing is the declared victor of the legions match up. 


Team - Team up with a fiend or two using our 4 player board or combining two boards together creating an elaborate map. As you work together against the losing team to eliminate all the opponents bases.

Conquer: It’s time for conquest as you battle it out with 4 player boards or combining two boards together creating an elaborate map. Leaving yourself a few extra empty bases, where you can send your units or officers to claim them for your own. Your units or officers wait in a base for up to 2 turns uncontested to officially claim the base for yourself. When only one Legion standing wins the game, make note this game can be played with teams as well. 

Conquer - It’s time for conquest as you battle it out with 4 player boards or combining two boards together creating an elaborate map. Leaving yourself a few extra empty bases, where you can send your units or officers to claim them for your own. Your units or officers wait in a base for up to 2 turns uncontested to officially claim the base for yourself. When only one Legion standing wins the game, make note this game can be played with teams as well.

D: Game Modes

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