Map builders
I'm Rusty and this is the place where you can get my maps and assets!
What you can find exactly here!
Maps for tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons, pathfinder and more... These maps you can display on your screen (VTT) or print them. It let you make better immersion and atmosphere in your campaign.
Assets for any world-building/graphic program or site which supports PNG files import.
Battle map for tabletop RPG (D&D and Pathfinder).
If you like the maps I create, then consider supporting the creation of new maps on Patreon.
I'm George, a dungeon master and the artist behind The Reclusive Cartographer. I hand draw high quality RPG maps, from giant sprawling metropolises for your party to get lost in, to tiny thatched hamlets where your players meet for the first time at the local tavern. Together we'll explore ancient dungeons full of undead horrors to sacrificial altars atopmountain peaks.
You can find custom made maps from original content or fan created maps of iconic game or anime locations. You can get a free map once per month, and gain additional maps from our patreon.